
How to keep your cool in qurarantine.

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Preventative Measures

Cover your face when in public. Browse our suggested masks and cool gear.

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Eat Well

Tips and Tricks to Stay Healthy.

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The crisis is worsening. Have your fears got you thinking?

This is a collaborative effort to provide the truth on the ground.


Don't get caught unprepared. Things will get worse.

It will be in your best interest to keep at least one years worth of supplies on hand, as the economic fallout worsens.


We can help you. Let the Lifestyle Manager do the planning for you.

We've already thought every scenario through. There's no reason to fear a lack of resources if you follow our advice.


Why toilet paper? No one knows for sure.

If everyone else knows something you don't know, that means you're behind. You should stock up now while there is still time.


Toilet Paper Ad. $3.99

72 rolls. Item desc.

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Toilet Paper Ad. $5.99

156 rolls. desc...

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Sanitize everything! Get your needed supplies.

If everyone else knows something you don't know, that means you're behind. You should stock up now while there is still time.


Sanitizer Ad. $4.99

Extra strengh. Item desc.

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Sanitizer Ad. $2.99

2-pack. desc...

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Face Mask Ad. $3.99

N95. Item desc.

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Face Mask Ad. $1.99

16-pack. desc...

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Garlic An antiviral food.

Take advantage of simple solutions and eat raw garlic. This will prevent the coronavirus from attacking an already malnourished immune system.


Protein Stock up on shake powder and beef jerky

Items that last for long periods of time are preferred.

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Beef Jerky Ad. $5.99

5lb. desc...

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Let us help Stay fit in quarantine.

Lift weights and do jumping jacks. Follow our suggestions and product links below in order to achieve success


Weight Set Ad. $55.99

Get a nice weight set for yourself.

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Excersize Mat Ad. $15.99

Probably going to need a few of these for your friends and family.

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